But it wasn’t until after LIYSF that I felt I had the courage to take a path other than university
As a recently graduated high school student, the question I am most asked is, ‘What are your plans after high school?’ Throughout my last year of high school, I often pondered this question and after my experience at NYSF in January 2018 and the London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF) in July 2018, I knew there was a fascinating world of science out there that I wanted to be a part of!
NYSF was where I was first introduced to engineering and throughout my grade 12 year, this was a career I was thinking of studying. But it wasn’t until after LIYSF that I felt I had the courage to take a path other than university.
Not going to university straight away hasn’t been a foreign idea for me but I had never thought about a trade until grade 12. I was leaning towards taking a gap year to have a break from studying and to earn so I could be comfortable financially going into university. With some guidance from a trusted physics teacher, I started to seriously consider options in the electrical industry. I did some work experience with a local electrician, and now I am determined to become a qualified electrician.
I am determined to become a qualified electrician ... the ‘hands-on’ work is exactly what I’m looking for now
I thoroughly enjoyed the ‘on the spot’ problem solving and how when a customer rings up with a problem, you are never really sure what you are dealing with until you arrive at their house. The ‘hands-on’ work is exactly what I’m looking for now, and I really look forward to learning more about this career in my TAFE courses and then applying it, almost immediately, in the field.
As I made my decision a little later than most, the majority of the apprenticeships for electricians were already taken in my home town and unfortunately, moving away from home isn’t an option for me at this stage. Luckily, I have been offered to start my 3-month trial for my apprenticeship with a local electrician. I really look forward to working with him and his company as they were very encouraging and understanding in my work experience.
I would still like to go to university later and study electrical engineering, but I think it is best for me to have a complete understanding of the practical side of things before I go and study. This basic understanding of the physics behind electricity will boost my university studies in the future. By not going to university straight away, I am hoping to open up the opportunity for me to study interstate and be able to support myself financially in the future.