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Congratulations on being selected for the 2024 NYSF Year 12 Program! 

This page is just for you and your fellow participants. There are links to all the past email updates we've sent, plus some FAQs for you below.

NYSF Office: Christmas shutdown

The NYSF office will be closed from 23 December 2023 and will reopen on 02 January 2024. We ask that you direct any queries during this time to and we will be in contact when we return after our shutdown period. 

You can also find a number of resources and FAQs below that may be able to assist you during this shutdown period.

Participant Handbook

Download a PDF version of the 2024 NYSF Year 12 Program Participant Handbook:

NYSF Online Orientation

A recording of the NYSF Online Orientation is available for viewing here.

Travel and arrival information

Thank you for providing your arrival and departure information to the NYSF team. However you arrive and depart - we've got you!

  • For those arriving within the 12pm-5pm window, you will be met by NYSF Student Staff and Rotary volunteers and transferred onto coaches which will arrive and depart regularly.
  • For those arriving outside of the standard timeframe, you will also be met by our volunteers and transported to your accommodation by Uber or minibus, depending group size.

Departures will happen in the same format. Students will be transferred in groups based on travel times to their connecting mode of transport. Depending on the group you are allocated to, you may have a shorter or longer wait time for your flight, bus or train.

Your departure time at the end of your session can be anytime between 8am and 12pm, but please don't hesitate to get in touch with us if your travel arrangements cannot fit into the timeframes detailed.

For further details with respect to travel and arrival, please refer to the Participant Handbook (linked above) and the emails linked below.

Session A - Canberra - Arrival information

Session B - Brisbane - Arrival information

EOI Media form

We often receive requests from local media outlets to talk to NYSF participants about their experience and to talk about their STEM interests. This could be a 5-minute conversation on the radio, an interview for a newspaper, or even a piece-to-camera on the news!

If you would be interested in being involved in this please complete the form.

Email Updates

We're sending you regular emails to keep you updated. Links to previously sent emails are below.

21/09/2023 - #1

  • Read the 2024 NYSF Year 12 Program Participant Handbook
  • Read our Travel Advice and complete the Student Travel Details form
  • See what's coming up next
  • Join our NYSF Connect webinar: Engineering the future
  • Celebrate NYSFers in the media

11/10/2023 - #2

  • Join our NYSF Connect webinar: How to Nail Your Dream Job!
  • Governor's receptions and Rotary Welcome Events are on the horizon
  • Program announcements
  • Celebrate NYSFers in the media

24/10/2023 - #3

  • A reminder that the program fee is due
  • The NYSF event app has launched!
  • Meet your fellow NYSFers

31/10/23 - #4

  • An urgent reminder that the program fee is due
  • Exclusive program announcement

Only confirmed students will have received access to the NYSF event app and the names of their constellation and floor groups.

13/11/23 - #5

  • Your invitation to the NYSF Online Orientation
  • Reminder to complete the Student Travel Details Form by 30 November 2023
  • New program announcements!

Please note that if you are unable to attend the NYSF Online Orientation, a recording will be made available to you.

20/11/23 - #6

  • Reminder to register for the NYSF Online Orientation
  • An urgent reminder that all students must complete the Student Travel Details Form by 30 November 2023
  • Your invitation to the last NYSF Connect Webinar of the year: Beyond Clinical Medicine!
  • New program and keynote speaker announcements

04/12/23 - #7

  • Meet your buddy
  • Watch the recording of the NYSF Online Orientation
  • Check out the first Staffie-mon card
  • Program announcements galore coming soon on Whova

11/12/23 - #8

  • Travel information - arrival and departures
  • Buddy reminder
  • NYSF Merch

18/12/23 - #9

  • Important STEM visit requirements
  • A reminder of what to pack
  • Contact numbers in case of an emergency
  • Travel information and arrival to session
  • Complete the EOI form for media opportunities
  • A final reminder of your buddy, floor group, and constellation


Frequently Asked Questions

When is the deadline to accept my place at the NYSF Year 12 Program?

All paper work needs to be signed and the invoice fully paid before 1 November 2023.

When will I get the results of my NYSF Access and Equity Scholarship application?

Students that applied for an NYSF Access and Equity Scholarship will have been notified by email on the outcome of their application.

I'm concerned that I will not be able to pay the program fee by 1 November 2023. What do I do?

If you are concerned that you will be unable to pay the program fee by the due date, we encourage you to contact us at

I am being dropped off by my parent/guardian for the program. Do I still need to fill in the Student Travel Details form?

Yes. All students, regardless of how they intend to travel to the program must complete the Student Travel Details form. Please complete it by 30 November 2023 at the very latest. 

I'm not able to attend the NYSF Online Orientation. What do I do?

A recording of the NYSF Online Orientation will be made available to all students in an email following the event. Please note you do not need to notify the NYSF team if you are unable to attend.

What protections are in place to ensure my safety and well-being on Whova?

At the NYSF, the health, safety and well-being of participants, staff, volunteers, and collaborators is our highest priority. We have a strict zero-tolerance policy for bullying and harassment, and we carefully monitor all of our official social media channels for any inappropriate behaviour.

If at any time you feel bullied or uncomfortable due to the behaviour of others, contact a member of staff immediately by emailing

What do I need to pack for the program? Can I bring my laptop or drone? 

A suggested packing list has been provided on page 13 of the Participant Handbook. In addition to the items listed, we also encourage you to bring a water bottle.

Laptops are not required in January. We encourage students to instead bring a notebook and pen if they wish to take notes. Furthermore, drones cannot be used during the program due to host university restrictions and permit requirements.

What is the dress code?

You can expect hot, and in Brisbane, humid, weather during the Year 12 Program, so we recommend you bring cool, breathable clothes to wear during session, including at least one set of long pants and sleeves (required for some STEM visits). Please ensure that your clothing is respectful and appropriate for meeting and networking with VIPs including industry guests and partners.

What do I need to know for the disco/chill out night and concert events?

Costumes are not mandatory for the disco. Furthermore, if a disco is not your thing, there will be a space for you to chill out and chat with your NYSF friends or Staffies.

Students are encouraged to showcase their special talents and abilities at the concert. Please bring your instruments with you if you wish. At this stage we are unable to confirm if a piano will be available for use. 

Can I do laundry on session?

You will have access to washing facilities, however, make sure you pack enough to get through at least a week.

Is there a curfew?

Yes. For your own safety, do not leave your floor after lights out. If you need something at night, please see your Floor Staff member or Rotary volunteers.

I have dietary requirements. How do I ensure I will be catered for during the program?

The NYSF team has already collected all student dietary requirements via the NYSF registration form. If your dietary requirements have changed since completing the form, or if you are concerned in any way please contact us at

My constellation group have different STEM interests than I do. Can I change?

Unfortunately, we are unable to facilitate changes to constellation groups. However, regardless of your constellation group, we can assure you that you will have diverse STEM experiences during the NYSF Year 12 Program. 

I want to drive myself to the program. Is there somewhere for me to park my car?

While you are welcome to drive yourself to the program, we would encourage you to make other arrangements. No parking is available at the residences for participants, so you will need to arrange your own (likely paid) parking elsewhere. The NYSF also takes no responsibility for private vehicles during the program, and there will be no time for you to leave the program to check on your car.

Instead of a buddy name I received 'To be confirmed'. What does that mean?

This means your buddy is still completing some of their information for the NYSF team. Once they have updated all their details, we will be able to reveal their name to you! Stay tuned for upcoming updates for their name.

My buddy hasn't joined Whova yet. How am I meant to contact them?

If you are unable to contact your buddy via Whova, rest assured you will be able to meet with them and chat on program. 

I can't see my personalised timetable on Whova. What do I do?

To see your personalised timetable on Whova, select 'Agenda' from the menu bar. You can then select your constellation group by clicking on 'Filter by tracks'. This will then display the STEM visits, activities, and experiences you'll be participating in during the program.

If you would like to build a compact view of your timetable, you can select a particular event and click 'Add to My Agenda'. This event will then be displayed in the 'My Agenda' tab on the Agenda page.

Can I connect with other NYSFers using my personal social media?

You are free to share your personal social media with one another. However, we ask that participants do not create another NYSF group on a platform other than Whova as the NYSF is not able to monitor these external communications. Furthermore, we ask that participants are kind and respectful in all interactions with one another, be it on Whova or otherwise.

Are there requirements for some STEM visits? Where do I see these requirements?

In order to attend some visits on program, NYSFers will need to meet the requirements of STEM visit hosts. Students not meeting specific requirements may not be able to participate.

Please carefully check the session outlines of your STEM visits on Whova for any forms, which may require your parent/guardian to give permission for you to attend. You will need to bring these with you to your session. You can also access forms via the Resources section on the app. These must be signed to allow you access to some visits.

Some visits may also require long pants, sleeves and enclosed shoes for safety reasons or photo ID for security purposes. Please ensure you bring all of these with you.

Do I have to complete the EOI media form?

If you are interested in being involved with media opportunities during the NYSF Year 12 Program we encourage you to complete the EOI media form. Completing this form and nominating yourself for media opportunities is optional.