As the lights dimmed and speeches began, the Australian Parliament House transformed into a festive celebration of community and history, drawing alumni and supporters to honour the remarkable 40-year legacy of the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF).
NYSF celebrated its 40th Anniversary with a dazzling Gala Dinner in the Great Hall at Parliament House on 20 August 2024. Alumni, the greater STEM community and NYSF Partners and Supporters helped celebrate the achievement, reconnecting over dinner and hearing from inspirational guests who champion the NYSF.
Key highlights included the announcement of Her Excellency the Governor-General, Ms. Sam Mostyn AC, as the new NYSF Patron and an exciting increase in NYSF funding from the Department of Industry, Science and Resources as part of the $38 million boost to STEM programs following recommendations from the Independent Pathway to Diversity in STEM Review.
You can read about both our newest NYSF Science Patron and the NYSF's welcoming of the National Science Statement and National Research Priorities.
As attendees entered the Great Hall, they were welcomed by a stunning collection of 42 artworks, generously donated by members of the vibrant NYSF community. These artworks were part of a Silent Auction designed to raise funds for the NYSF Access and Equity Scholarship Fund. Among the contributors were Nobel Prize Laureates Professor Barry Marshall and Professor Brian Schmidt. The collection also showcased the artistic talents of NYSF alumni from across generations, including Emelia Naumov (2023) and Tahlia Rose (2004), NYSF Board Member, the Hon Kate Lundy, as well as donations from STEM organisations including ANSTO, Questacon and the SMaRT@UNSW and NESP SCW Hub.
The NYSF Access and Equity Scholarship Fund critically supports diversity and attendance across our programs and events. Thanks to the generosity of our community, supporters and partners, 21 underrepresented participants were able to attend the 2024 National Youth STEM Summit and the 40th Anniversary Gala, 18 of whom were Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.
The NYSF Access and Equity Scholarship Fund is a fantastic way to directly support a participant to attend NYSF programs. You can donate here.
Inside the Great Hall, two large displays captivated guests with a rolling montage of photos from NYSF alumni, showcasing their journeys since participating in the program. Leading up to the Gala, NYSF reconnected with alumni from the last 40 years, who generously shared how the program impacted their lives, creating a powerful celebration of personal and professional growth.
“It was a great adventure to travel across the country on my own to attend the NSSS and to then find wonderful, interesting, new friends from among the campers. Just those experiences made me feel braver about the transition from high school to university, and life ahead.” – Professor Liesl Folks (1984)
Current and former NYSF Corporate Staff and Rotarian volunteers gathered to celebrate their experiences from the NYSF Year 12 Program, reflecting on how it shaped their STEM careers and inspired their commitment to give back. A huge thank you to former NYSF Director Geoff Burchfield and current and former Rotary District Chairs for helping us celebrate 40 years of the NYSF.
It was a nostalgic journey with various NYSF t-shirts since 1984 on display, celebrating the annual tradition. Also showcased were an early Student Staff Volunteer outfit and popular NYSF merchandise and badges. We embraced the classic red motif from early NYSF designs to honour 40 years of NYSF with a touch of ruby.
The photo booth was a highlight of the evening, featuring props that echoed back to chants from different years of the NYSF's Year 12 Program, as well as identifiers for each alumni guests graduating year. “Bananas of the world, unite!”
All alumni in attendance gathered for group photos on the stage of the Great Hall. NYSF CEO Dr Melanie Bagg has a hidden cake decorating flair and donated her time to create a cake to celebrate this important event. Each layer acknowledged a decade of NYSF and how from small things big things grow. The colours and cake topper are a nod to NYSF’s corporate branding, particularly the plum pudding badge and logo.
The evening kicked off with the Governor-General Ms Sam Mostyn AC making a grand entrance surrounded by stunning art from our Silent Auction, and accompanied by NYSF CEO Dr Melanie Bagg GAICD and NYSF Board Chair Patricia Kelly PSM GAICD.
MC for the evening, 2001 NYSF Alum Nate Byrne, welcomed everyone to the celebrations, and invited Aunty Violet Sheridan to the stage for a heartfelt Welcome to Country.
Dr Melanie Bagg GAICD formally opened the celebrations speaking to the vision of NYSF and the importance of diversity in science and technology.
“As a nation, we punch well above our weight in science and technology. To maintain and grow this, and ensure a prosperous future for our nation, a diverse pipeline of young Australians entering these fields is essential; that’s where we come in.”
Next the Hon Ed Husic, Minister for Industry, Science, and Resources, commended Australia’s achievements in research and science, announcing increased funding for the STEM sector, including support for the NYSF.
“I am very pleased to announce the Government is boosting funding for the NYSF by an extra $1.8 million over four years. This means more young people from a wide range of backgrounds will be able to access STEM education and careers."
The Minister paid tribute to the NYSF's legacy of alumni in the Australian STEM sector and how the NYSF Year 12 Program in particular has empowered or influenced them to set off down their career paths.
Read Minister Husic's full speech here.
2021 alum Vaishnavi Muddam then took to the stage as a recent Alum, to reflect on her NYSF experience as she blazes ahead into her early STEM career.
Retired Air Marshall Warren McDonald, the CEO of Lockheed Martin, shared a story on the meaningful education that inspired his family, and the impact organisations like NYSF can have.
The Hon Paul Fletcher MP, Shadow Minister for Science and the Arts followed, detailing the importance of science, and presenting deep thanks for those taking on the varied paths within STEM.
“I do want you to be confident that your work or future work as scientists is enormously respected and valued across the political spectrum.”
Australia's Chief Defence Scientist, NYSF Science Patron and NYSF alum Professor Tanya Monro AC FAA FTSE spoke of finding her way in science after becoming hooked on physics as a way of asking the universe questions.
"I didn't know what it would take to be a scientist. I didn't know if it was the right call for me until I got the chance 34 years ago to go to then National Science Summer School to step on to the ANU campus. It was almost instant recognition. I'd found my tribe."
Professor Monro's strong connection with NYSF has continued throughout its history, as the NYSF’s Science Patron, a former Board Chair and a regular speaker across NYSF programs and events.
Patricia Kelly, Chair of the NYSF Board was our final speaker to thank NYSF Partners and supporters. Major Partner, Lockheed Martin Australia, Founding Partner Rotary, and host universities the Australian National University and the University of Queensland were highlighted for their long and important contributions.
The formalities finished with the exciting conclusion of the Silent Auction, as guests and online supporters competed for artworks. An impressive $8,900 was raised for the NYSF Access and Equity Fund.
The NYSF thanks everyone who joined us to celebrate our 40th Anniversary. We look forward to another 40 years of inspiring young minds and fostering a passion for STEM together.